Posted at 20:43 UT
Poems to the Earth: Keepers Of The Gardens
Tamara Lynn Scott : February 2003
$ is a Neutral
It can be made
By doing either Good or Bad
Right or Wrong.
Have you the Wisdom to Know
Which is Which?
Have you the Heart that feels,
The interlink
Of all that is,
All Life,
All Soul?
Have you the courage to teach,
The leadership to shine light
On the whole?
Every Link Entwined,
Every Part,
Every Soul.
$ is Neutral
and follows the mind,
the heart,
the hands that plant it,
the reap,
the hoe.
Are you Wise enough,
Brave enough,
Clever enough
To Know?
On The Brinks of Never More,
Life precipitously goes.
Those who come to lick at
Death and Destruction,
Burn up the gifts to the Whole,
Have you Eyes enough to see,
Dream enough to Dream,
Eye of the Soul,
We are the Everglades,
The Earth,
The Seas,
Disappearing Home,
Where Life cannot go.
Once the Garden bore Multitudes
Of fruits, and Life Gloried.
The Garden is now shrinking,
The Waters fouled,
Cycles of Nature Broken,
Clock out of time,
Eve of Extinction,
The Young Come No More.
Can We Cure Our Illness?
Rise to the One?
In Each of Us
Is a Brilliance and Prayer
That always calls.
$ is a Neutral,
Invisible Invention of
human release,
of human despair.
It is You
And I,
And the Choices We Make.
What can the least of us do?
Eyes watching,
Keepers of the Gardens.
Posted at 05:30 UT
Poems of the Soul: For Never Leave
Tamara Lynn Scott August 23, 2002
In the eyes you can see,
the windows of all soul,
all connectedness,
all reason,
all whole.
In the eyes of believe,
the whisper of
for all acts have repose.
There is a greater than
and all of life,
the weave,
and in everything we think we are,
in everyone there lies the part
of everything
for being seen.
Create upon your life and heart
For all entwined,
For never leave.
Posted at 07:23 UT
Poems Of the War: Freedom on the Rise
Tamara Lynn Scott February 1, 2003
In this world of petty tyrants,
On an Earth turning ripe to be free,
Do we step up and face the dangers,
Do we fight for the rights of everyone's needs.
Can we rise as a one heart, united?
Can we stand here in shining belief
That we have in our hands
The means of command,
The hope of the brave and the free?
Humankind on the battlefield waiting,
With the hope the downtrodden will rise,
And set upon course participatory voice,
Sharing the worth, and the life.
What is best for the greatest number of people,
With all of the people looked square in the eye,
With hope for a new bridge of being,
Where love, justice, goodness survives.
Here on a world still in waiting,
The strength of becoming must be,
For peoples in black grips of despotic death wish,
Hope for the lands of the free.
Can the wealth of this world return to succor all people,
Instead of the greedy hands of the few?
For as long as the power, oil and gold
Reside in small enclaves of greed, and gain,
The world will be struggling
To rise in renew.
Power and wealth,
Control of life and nations,
Pull at the spirit,
Defiled by greed that clouds the light,
Forgetting the human family,
Instilling the grab.
In a World where the worst of man rises to the top,
Can the good of man reveal?
Will the balancing forces of might for right,
Let the best of our beings prevail?
As the players now play,
Deadly force on the line,
Will the time of the tyrants be over,
Will we rise to harmonics in time?
Will the greater heart of humanity be lifted?
Will the smallest and weakest be reborn?
Pray to the Heart of all that is,
To sense the light within this storm,
Our souls,
Remembering the force,
Remembering the cause.
Out of the battle
May goodness be reflamed,
Liberation in the name
Of all humanity.
There is a wave of freedom on the rise,
That cannot be removed,
Once placed in the eye,
Where all struggle to be more,
Fairer and wise,
Humanity on the battlefield,
Freedom on the line.
