Posted at 23:19 UT
We've been Dancing all night long.
It's a Dance that the world calls love.
We've been dreaming of someone.
Its a Dream that the heart calls love.
We've been loving for so long,
as long as all that matters.
We've been living for belong,
a belonging to all that's one.
We've been dreaming for so long.
It's a dream that this world calls love.
We've been singing a sweet song.
It's a song that the world calls love.
We've been living not alone.
Its a life that the world calls love.
We've been giving all we own.
Its a gift that the heart knows matters.
We've been wishing for someone.
It's a wish that belongs to love.
It's a weakness that's so strong.
It's a hoping there's no wrong.
It's a madness truly born.
A new World so unshorn.
It's a dream that the world calls love.
We leave behind all we own,
our homes,
our earth,
our families,
our form.
The urge is so strong,
beyond the walls of time and space,
the power of love
can erase
all fear,
all know,
all years,
all stowing.
A keep,
a holding,
that lasts without folding,
ever present,
Dream that this world calls love.
We have seen the unseeing of,
touched the present,
past, future of,
this oneness that recalls,
the oneness we call love.
Come to claim its all,
The power we call love.
We have danced with our whole life long,
this Dream that the world calls Love.
"Dry leaves dancing on an autumn day,
White foam patterns the tide washed away,
Gulls gliding on a golden spray,
Such a Dancer am I. "